The power connectors are used to supply AC motors, drives and motor switches with high voltages over longer periods of time, but also for low-voltage applications such as fieldbus Ethernet components and network devices. These are mainly M12, M18 and 7/8 inch circular connectors, which can be configured by the customer to suit the particular application. The M12 connectors with K and S coding can be used up to a rated voltage of 630V AC.
-Good sealing performance with IP calss up tp IP67.
-Used in the signal transmission ,datas trasmission,Power supply ect
-Campatible with same series connectors on the market
-Wire connection:Solder/Srew connection
-Shield is optional ,provide reliable electromagnetic Protection
-Wire connection method is optional,suitable for continuous shock and vibration environment
-Connection Technology is suitable for all application field
-Cable materials:PUR,PVC
-Shielded is optional
-Cable jacket:Yellow/Gray/Black
-Contacts:2+PE, 3+PE and 4+PE
-Cable lengths from 0.5 m to 10 m
-Compliance with IEC 60754-1 standard