Profibus PA are designed for the connection of control systems to field instruments on process automation applications. These cables are based on the Profibus DP and use a segment coupler to allow transparent communication between general purpose automation and process automation networks. Hysik developed the cable and connectors for application of Profibus-DP (Decentralized Periphery) and Profibus-PA ( Process Automation). The Profibus interconnection products portfolio mainly included RS-485 series connectors:M12 A-Code 5Pin、M12 B-Code 5Pin、Sub-D 9Pin、7/8" Mini-Change connectors and the match able pair twisted cables
-Good sealing performance with IP calss up tp IP67.
-Used in the signal transmission ,datas trasmission,Power supply ect
-Campatible with same series connectors on the market
-Wire connection:Solder/Srew connection
-Shield is optional ,provide reliable electromagnetic Protection
-Wire connection method is optional,suitable for continuous shock and vibration environment
-Connection Technology is suitable for all application field
-Cable materials:PUR,PVC
-Shielded /B-coded
-Wire connection is optional
-Compliance with 61076-2-101 standard